We are proud to share our story with you.

The owner of Maverick Coatings Limited has worked in the coating industry since 1989. He has worked with some large global companies such as Ferro, Rohm & Haas, Trimite and more recently TIGERDrylac. 

Our director, Steve, has a breadth of knowledge for powder coatings and in particular alloy wheel refurbishment. He is joined by his brother Chris, as fellow director, who specialises in all aspects of engineering.  

What sets Maverick Coatings apart from their rivals? Steve provides training courses throughout the UK for people joining the refurb industry. Alongside this, he has countless contacts spanning over 30 years, and abreadth of technical knowledge in the field.

Maverick Coatings' greatest strength is it's ability to offer unrivalled world class finishes; the Oil Slick finish was in the top 3 in the "Powder Koating Kings" global comp!!

Please see some of our completed projects here.
Talk to the team about your requirements on our contact tab.

Time to treat your alloys.
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